Friday, June 10, 2011

About My Family

Welcome to Baby T Explores. Where Baby T and the older 3 explore new things including places, products, as well as people. My name is Liz and I am the owner and writer here at Baby T Explores. 

I am a girlfriend, mother, daughter, granddaughter, as well as a cloth diapering, monster chaser, spit up cleaning, errand running, and eco-friendly mother of 4 wonderful children. My children are 7, 5, 2 and a 4 month old. 

My boyfriend, J, and I have been together for the past 5 years and living together for 4 years. He is one of the most wonderful I have ever known, aside from my grandfather and dad. He is kind, caring, generous as well as kind hearted. He is a tech geek! We have been planning our wedding for next year so expect some updates on it as time progresses. 

My oldest is Big Sis K who loves animals that furry as well as anything princess or doll related. She is feisty, rambunctious, opinionated and very much a mommies girl. 

Then there is Big J is 5 years old and is my science and discovery child. He loves learning new things about the world and loves to read. He is very creative, quiet and sometimes shy, he loves anything that has to deal with science or dinosaurs. He loves playing outdoors and is very big into sports. 

Both Big Sis K and Big J are biological brother and sister. They started off as foster children in my home and I knew from the moment I met them I wanted to adopt them. Their adoption became final in 2009 and they have been the most wonderful blessings in the world. Both of them are one of the reasons that I write about adoption on my blog. There are so many things that I learned about the process that I love to share with others. 

My youngest daughter is Little Sis T, she is very much a toddler, always running around everywhere, and getting into everything. She is very independent, rambunctious, strong willed, caring, and kind hearted. She loves animals just like her older sister and loves being outside like her older brother. She loves playing with new toys, like any child, and loves playing dress up. She is just starting to become her own person and I can tell each and every day I look at her. 

Last but not least is Baby T, who my blog is named after, he is still a bit young but I can already tell that he loves exploring. He is constantly in awe of the world around him. He enjoys seeing new things around him and discovering new things that he can do. He is full of energy as well as drool! He is a big cuddle bug and a total mommies boy. He is also a giggle monster. He loves to giggle and laugh.

We also have a bunch of little babies, pets, running around our house. Our main pet is our dog Buddy; he is a beagle and loves the outdoors. He keeps us on our toes and likes to wear out the kids. 

We have frogs, lizards, fish, a turtle and anything else my children bring home with them. 

I love to blog and share wonderful products as well as tips, recipes and crafts with everyone I know or meet. Aside from blogging I love to bake and create new things in the kitchen.

I love animals as well as the outdoors. I believe this stems from my degree in Biology and my previous career as a zookeeper. I left my job, which I loved, to raise and give my attention to my two oldest shortly after we started the adoption process. I love being a stay at home mom. 

I believe in Family Movie Nights as well. Each week we watch a movie together as a family. Our lives can get hectic at times and I believe this brings my family closer together. We love going to the zoo as well as the park and swimming. I love trying new things whether it is recipes, places, or products. I also believe in giving back to my community which is why my family has been part of many programs helping children, bake sales, or adopting a family for Christmas. I am also creative. I love crafting and crafting with my children. Currently I am teaching Big Sis K to crochet. 

That's my family in a nutshell. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.