Monday, September 12, 2011

Our Adoption Story

As most of you know we have 4 children. Our oldest 2 children are adopted through fostering. What is that? We first became foster parents to Big K and J. They are biological brother and sister with Big K being the oldest. When they arrived at our house they were 3 and 1 years old.

We have wanted to have children for awhile so when we were having problems getting pregnant we decided the next best thing was foster care. We started off and had Big K and J placed with us right off the bat. They were a little tough going at first. Both of them especially Big K had a lot of trauma issues along with abandonment issues. She was violent, hitting a lot, screaming, yelling and acting out. As part of fostering they had her in therapy but we felt the therapist wasn't doing much for her so we decided to place her with a therapist that is a family friend and she seemed to blossom after awhile. She had fears and a lot of them. She would wake up in the night screaming. She would shake because she was scared and it was due to the trauma that she experienced up until the point she came to us. The one thing that was a bit rough was she had a fear of men. She would not go near my fiancee, my brother or my dad. Working with her was a bit rough but my fiancee managed to do really well with her and eventually she started to warm up to him and the other men in our lives.

Big J was a bit young when he arrived at our house so the therapists we took him too said that he was a little bit reserved but a normal little boy. The problems started at about 2 years old. He would go into fits of range where he would scream at the top of his lungs for no reason at all. He would take and throw himself against walls or pound his head on them. He started seeing a therapist again and working through his anger issues which took a lot of patience on our parts but it was well worth it.

Both Big K and Big J are happy and healthy children now with hopes and dreams they do ask about their parents from time to time and we explain that there mom and dad couldn't give them the life that they thought they deserved so they came to us. They are happy with that answer and both my fiancee and I will keep telling them that. The more they understand that the less likely they are to remember the bad versus the good.


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